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Dried Venison (for chipping)
This recipe is good for making chipped venison (beef) and gravy or chipping for dips.

Use about a 3 pound venison (beef) roast. I use the loin.


Trim all fat off loin/roast.

Mix 6 TBS of Morton TQ, 1 TBS black pepper and 1 TSP of Hickory season salt (optional) with 12 ounces of water, and injected 2 ounces of this solution into the middle of each 3LB loin/roast.

Mix 3 TBS of Morton  TQ, 1 TBS Brown Sugar, 1 TBS black pepper and 1 TSP Hickory season salt (optional) and rub well on each 3LB loin/roast

Put in Zip-Lock bag & put in fridge at 37˚/38˚ for about 10 days. Flip once a day.

Remove from fridge, rinse & soak in ice water for 1 hour, draining once at the half hour mark.

Dry best you can with paper towels.
Put on smoker rack (or container with no lid) & put in fridge unwrapped overnight to start drying.

Next Day:
Preheat Smoker/oven to 100˚.
Put meat in smoker/oven for 6 hour at 100˚
Bump temp to 120° for 3 hours.
Bump temp to 140° for 2 hours
then bump to 180° for aprox. an hour, until internal temp reaches at least 158°

I have just finished one and will post a pic when the sun comes up.




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