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Fresh fruit drink blends
Fresh fruit blendDrinks

4 cups of your favorite fruit juice
1 cup whole strawberries or chopped large fruit
2 cups small berries (boysenberry, mulberry, blackberry, blueberry)
1 banana (very ripe)

Thoroughly rinse all fruit (except the banana) in cold water, place in a container and let sit in your freezer for 45 minutes. If you have a juicer use fully ripened fruit and prepare it for juicing as indicated in your appliance guide book. Remove chilled fruit from your freezer and place in a blender along with fruit juice. Peel banana and slice in ½ inch pieces and place in blender. Blend on high to desired consistency. Pour in beverage tumblers and enjoy. This drink provides a good source of antioxidants, which help lower cholesterol, ward off cardiovascular disease, and help maintain a healthy immune system.

Variation for a smoothie:
To turn this decadent blend into your favorite smoothie or energy drink just add your favorite yogurt and/or protein powder.
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