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Board Rules & Disclaimer
In order to use some features on this site visitors are required to register with a username, password and valid email address. Any email address given during the registration process is used for registration purposes only and is only viewable to the Site Administrator and not to members or non-members visiting this site.

Please make use of the site FAQ's located at the top of the board under the logo! There is always new info added in there and it's a great tool to helping you get around the board and using it!

A - If you are using a recipe from ANYONE other than your own creation, you MUST give credit to the original creator. Example would be something a famous chef like Gordon Ramsay created and you replicated. Give Ramsay the credit for his work.

A- Users can only register one username per email address and should not register multiple usernames.

B- The Twitchin Kitchen reserves the right to change the registered username of any member that they consider to be inappropriate for whatever reason.

C- The Twitchin Kitchen reserves the right to refuse any registration or suspend/cancel the membership of any member in violation of the Membership Rules or for any other reason as they deem appopriate without giving reason or notification. All decisions are final and no correspondence will be entered into.

D- NO TEXT SPEAK! this is set in stone.
The Twitchin Kitchen allows the use of some internet slang but once it starts to become cryptic and looking more like Egyptian heiroglyphics it has to stop. There are many sites that won't allow any internet slang. So we will allow NORMAL use of slang but please, especially the younger people, NO TEXT SPEAK. It won't kill you to type a whole word.

1- Be Nice. If you can't be nice, you got to go. No abusing our Staff!
No trolling, flaming, excessive swearing. This is an international board and one of all ages can participate.

2- Stay on topic please. We are pretty liberal about most of our discussions but we don't want to see topics 'hijacked' to something completely different than what it started out as. You can join the general discussion board at Twitchin Kitten .com if you want to talk about things other than cooking or use the general chat area designed for this.
Discussion in EVERY specific recipe topic MUST stay on topic.

You MAY go nuts in the general chat areas! That is what they are there for.

Please also keep in mind that I do not want any negativity or bashing of food in recipe topics. The whole idea is to pass out our recipes and share them. If a recipe is posted and you just so happen to not like that particular dish, please do NOT post how you hate it! Use the chat area for this!

If you see a recipe but you don't like one ingredient in it, feel free to post an alternate method or ingredient. But posting how you will not try such a recipe because of an ingredient will get your post deleted.

We want to encourage people to take adventure in the kitchen and try new recipes. Posting how something is awful just because of personal preference is not helpful to that goal.

I have the kitchen general chat area designated for such things and you can also use the review section for this but NOT the individual recipes themselves!

3- Picture sizes should be no bigger than the normal viewing area of the thread. Please resize your images so they don't blow out the page margins.
*note: this rule goes for off site hosted images as well! Please resize your Photobucket, ImageShack etc images before posting them!

The reason for this is that there are still people with dial up connections and as this site grows, so will the picture content. Smaller images will allow everyone whether on dial up or high speed to not have to wait for ages for the pages to load in a topic. Please keep your images small. This goes for our Staff too!
The site is set to automatically resize your images to clickable thumbnails if you use the upload images feature!
You can post up to 10 images at once as clickable thumbs.

4- Any image(s) within a member's signature file should not exceed 40,000 pixels TOTAL eg one image 200 x 200 pixels, 4 images 100 x 100 pixels each, one image 400 x 100 pixels and the TOTAL file size of the image(s) should not exceed 20KB. Please, the forums are for discussions and not a public free advertisement area or giant billboard.

Signatures should not take over the post, but simply add a personal touch. I don't ask anything I don't adhere to myself. This is a STRICT rule. This goes for our Staff too. It is set in stone. Don't argue with me.

5- Members sharing any personal information with any other member using the private messaging system do so at their own risk.

6- The Twitchin Kitchen does not have access to private messages posted between members and accepts no responsibility or liability for the content of private messages posted by site members.

7- The private message system is not intended as your private bashing area. This should not be used as your secret hate section to another member. Do not post anything that is rude, abusive, threatening, hateful, racist, homophobic, sexist, ageist, pornographic, obscene, vulgar, sexually orientated, defamatory, libelous, insulting, name-calling, offensive, false, misleading, promoting illegal activity or inflammatory.
Be polite to other site members at all times, be respectful of other member's opinions.
NO HATE! Any hate should be reported to The Twitchin Kitten & Angie or any moderator/staff member by using the report button located in each topic.

Do not use my site for the sole purpose of pushing your own place or another friend's site for the sole purpose of gaining OUR members.
NO SPAMMING to push or sell products. NO SPAMMING the members via private message. Violation of the above will get you banned.
I have liberal advertising policies and will be glad to add a reciprocal link to your site. All you have to do is ask.

9- Any member receiving a private message in violation of the rules should forward the message and give the username of the person who sent the message to Admin or any other Forum Moderator by private message who will deal with as deemed appropriate.

10- If you post something controversial, you better be prepared for the 'flashback' from it. We don't censor here and if you got the guts to say it, you must have the guts to take it!

11- NO HATE. NO HATE. NO HATE. We are not going to tolerate hate of any sort. Controversial discussion is fine and welcomed, but outright hate will not be tolerated. If you can't do that, then go away now. Tell me and I'll delete your membership. We have no tolerance for hateful people.

12- NO TROLLS or LURKERS! Anyone caught behaving like a troll will be automatically banned and their account deleted.
LURKERS include registered members! We want this board to be a nice friendly community. We also understand if you don't have a lot to say or often, but we do expect some level of participation in the Kitchen area. Like I said, we want a friendly atmosphere and we work hard at finding the goodies for you and maintaining the board. We like to know you a little and that our efforts are appreciated.

Excessive abuse of the report button and childish tattling type behavior will get you instantly banned and your account deleted.
See Rule #12 if you can't understand WHY.

14- Foul Language.
We do not believe in censorship of any sort here but we do ask you to try to curb your language. I want to allow the younger members of society - children - to access this site without going to mommy saying we're a foul mouthed bunch of barbarians.
Excessive cussing will bring great grief upon your head. This includes staff.

Site Disclaimer:

The Twitchin Kitchen Tries to bring you as much information on cooking, kitchen safety and more on the site.
It is not our responsibility if you wind up ill from a recipe.
Illness from any of our recipes will never be our fault.
All recipes posted by the staff are tried and tested.
Member submitted recipes usually are as well. It is impossible to try every recipe before allowing someone to post and share it.

There are many factors that can result in you getting ill from eating food you cooked. Some include but are not limited to:

Your ability to follow a recipe
The cleanliness of your kitchen
Allergic reaction to ingredients
Quality & freshness of your ingredients
Food handling and preparation

It is not our fault if you slice your finger off with a knife during the making of one of our recipes.
Kitchen safety is YOUR problem not ours. Please be careful in your kitchen!


I do NOT want to hear it if your kid sliced his or her finger off or set your house on fire because you were too lazy to supervise and help them!

Parenting is YOUR job.

ALL Information and recipes posted on this site MUST be given credit to the originator or where you got it from if it is NOT your OWN creation.
There, now it's been said twice.

All content becomes property of this site and due credit to the author and creator will ALWAYS be given.
All information & images on this site are copyright protected.

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