
Little Helpful Tips
Here are some handy hints and tips you need to be aware of to work and find your way around the board.

You can upload up to 10 images in your posts and topics. Thumbnail images will open up in a new browser window or pop up - according to your browser settings.

*note: Try to keep images to a size of 600 pixels WIDE and 800 TALL. Although the thumbs make nice previews when you click them they're still too big to view!

The board automatically resizes them into CLICKABLE thumbnails for fast load times!

Smilies - when you click 'more' you will get a pop up window that 'floats' with even more smilies!
This will help with flags.

There is a Buddy List!

Allow pop ups from this board! Pop ups will give you instant notification on PM's and other features like the smilies and clickable thumbs in posts.

We have a 'ranking' system! As you make posting goals, you move up in your user titles.

We have a 'reputation' system. This is for fun and should not be used maliciously.

Did you know you can 'rate' topics? Yes you can! Simply scroll to the very last post in a topic and you can see a drop down list with "rate this thread" attached to it!
Use this to 'rate' topics that are very informational and helpful! ~ don't abuse this by just rating yours or your friends posts for the sake of it.

There is a REPORT button in all posts. Please don't abuse this.
This is so a private message is sent to a site staff member so they are alerted on offensive posts or topics.

Please report any bugs or problems you may encounter in the Problems & Questions forum.