Chili is not really a Mexican dish as we are lead to believe but more a Tex-Mex concoction.
Chili Con Carne is not what this is but Chili comes unique to America and there are so many variations of it. It's revered across the country so much that there is a traveling national Chili Cook-off that is widely popular! I even participated in one once with my green chili!
Twitchy's Chili
Calories: 568 per cup
without beans: 486
2 pounds chop meat
5 strips bacon
1 onion - chopped
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 can red kidney beans - optional
2 cans (give or take) of tomato sauce (not home made pasta sauce, but the cheap junk in cans)
chili powder
salt & pepper to taste
Brown the chopped meat in a heavy pan until it's brown. Remove and drain the fat.
Brown the bacon in the bottom of a heavy pot until it's crispy. remove and crumble a bit. Don't toss the bacon grease!
saute onions in bacon grease until translucent, toss in the garlic for a bit.
When onions and garlic are translucent, toss in the meat, let it cook and blend for about 3 minutes. Add the beans, don't toss the bean water! Toss it in with the meat and beans.
Add tomato sauce, a little at a time until the meat is covered by sauce. Add more to your liking. We keep the sauce on the less abundant side making for a 'thicker' less watery chili.
Let this cook for about 15 minutes and then add chili powder and oregano. This is to taste. We usually toss in a good healthy 5 tablespoons or so of chili powder and a good 'shake' of oregano.
If you're making this the first time, go easy on the chili powder and you can add more as you cook it. The chili powder will get stronger the longer it cooks. So I suggest starting with 3 tablespoons and cooking a while and then add more if you like.
Cook now on med-low heat for at least half an hour. Adding more chili powder as needed/desired. The longer it cooks, the better it tastes.
Serve over rice or elbow macaroni, top with cheese if you like and put some crackers on the side.
Substitute ground chicken instead of beef.
294 with beans per cup
without beans: 117 per cup
Chili Con Carne is not what this is but Chili comes unique to America and there are so many variations of it. It's revered across the country so much that there is a traveling national Chili Cook-off that is widely popular! I even participated in one once with my green chili!
Twitchy's Chili
Calories: 568 per cup
without beans: 486
2 pounds chop meat
5 strips bacon
1 onion - chopped
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 can red kidney beans - optional
2 cans (give or take) of tomato sauce (not home made pasta sauce, but the cheap junk in cans)
chili powder
salt & pepper to taste
Brown the chopped meat in a heavy pan until it's brown. Remove and drain the fat.
Brown the bacon in the bottom of a heavy pot until it's crispy. remove and crumble a bit. Don't toss the bacon grease!
saute onions in bacon grease until translucent, toss in the garlic for a bit.
When onions and garlic are translucent, toss in the meat, let it cook and blend for about 3 minutes. Add the beans, don't toss the bean water! Toss it in with the meat and beans.
Add tomato sauce, a little at a time until the meat is covered by sauce. Add more to your liking. We keep the sauce on the less abundant side making for a 'thicker' less watery chili.
Let this cook for about 15 minutes and then add chili powder and oregano. This is to taste. We usually toss in a good healthy 5 tablespoons or so of chili powder and a good 'shake' of oregano.
If you're making this the first time, go easy on the chili powder and you can add more as you cook it. The chili powder will get stronger the longer it cooks. So I suggest starting with 3 tablespoons and cooking a while and then add more if you like.
Cook now on med-low heat for at least half an hour. Adding more chili powder as needed/desired. The longer it cooks, the better it tastes.
Serve over rice or elbow macaroni, top with cheese if you like and put some crackers on the side.
Substitute ground chicken instead of beef.
294 with beans per cup
without beans: 117 per cup
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